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Draft 2019 
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Iscritto il: 03/11/2013, 20:35
Messaggi: 17992
Messaggio Re: Draft 2019
Leprecano ha scritto:
Romeo e Williams non mentano!! :lol3



“Gioco in modo feroce ma non gioco mai da matto. C'è una differenza.”
Paul Silas

21/06/2019, 18:06
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Iscritto il: 24/06/2017, 21:23
Messaggi: 3557
Località: Parma
Messaggio Re: Draft 2019
Zio Trifoglio ha scritto:
Gioia CELTICS ha scritto:
Grant Williams

E' già il mio preferito :clap2 :heart

mi ero già molto sbilanciato su di lui nel tracciarne il profilo. Sono felice che sia dei nostri! Darà un contributo immediato!


"se un uomo che non sa contare trova un quadrifoglio, ha diritto alla fortuna?" Stanislaw Lec (Pensieri spettinati)

21/06/2019, 18:11
Hall of fame

Iscritto il: 29/09/2012, 12:00
Messaggi: 4168
Località: Sant'Egidio Del Monte Albino
Messaggio Re: Draft 2019
Gioia CELTICS ha scritto:
Kite 72 ha scritto:

Oggi concordo con te in tutto

Già mi stavi simpatico prima, figurati adesso :D

Trade down e affaire Baynes, davvero non le ho capite.
Saltare un talento come Bol, visto pure come stiamo messi a lunghi, ancor meno. Per la 33 si doveva assolutamente rischiare per un talento del genere.
Non solo mi auguro ci sia un piano, ma che sia pure buono!
Ora, a meno che non si spacchi entro due mesi, cosa che ovviamente non mi auguro, ad Ainge fischieranno le orecchie fino ad esplodergli, e non me ne frega un c***o che sis stato passato da tutti gli altri GM! Lui è Danny Ainge, non tutti gli altri GM.

Se non fosse per Romeo (che è forte di sicuro perché di Daniele e Piero c'è da fidarsi) e l'altro Tizio che, UDITE UDITE, ha dichiarato d'essere arrivato nella miglior franchigia di sempre, e che chiamerà Pierce per chiedergli come comportarsi (QUESTI DEVONO VENIRE A BOSTON PORCA TROIA!!!!) sarebbe stato il draft più sciagurato della storia!!!!!
Cioè....la Bucks 2020 abbiam preso...... ma porcc.%$@÷4tro$@%_^:maled$"_:; ::cussingblack::

Gioia purtroppo devo concordare con te, sta mano non mi è piaciuta, alla 33 prendi Bol Bol x 3 motivi: 1 talento, 2 siamo scoperti nel ruolo, 3 scelta buttata x scelta buttata ( x questo tipo di scelte voglio ricordare Allen, Bird, Hunter, Mickey, Thornton, ecc.) butta 10 euro nel piatto e tenta l fortuna, Bol Bol fa la fine di quelli elencati prima? Pazienza comunque le nostre due seconde scelte scompariranno dai radar e non saranno servite a niente.

21/06/2019, 18:15
Hall of fame

Iscritto il: 29/09/2012, 12:00
Messaggi: 4168
Località: Sant'Egidio Del Monte Albino
Messaggio Re: Draft 2019
L'unica speranza di questo draft che Deep ci abbia visto lungo è sia un vero e proprio furto per il presente e per il futuro.

21/06/2019, 18:17
Hall of fame

Iscritto il: 29/09/2012, 12:00
Messaggi: 4168
Località: Sant'Egidio Del Monte Albino
Messaggio Re: Draft 2019
Piero tiraci su il morale con le tue conoscenze sulle nostre 4 scelte.

21/06/2019, 18:18
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Iscritto il: 13/03/2010, 0:20
Messaggi: 36661
Località: Santarcangelo di Romagna
Messaggio Re: Draft 2019
Quattro mesi fa parlando con Piero....

Credo che per Hachimura possa valere lo stesso discorso fatto per Grant Williams, secondo me solletica tantissimo il nostro GM. Anche lui ha un tipo di gioco che va adattato e non poco al piano di sopra, ma comunque è materiale umano su cui lavorare. Non sappiamo ancora che scelte avremo, un sospetto c'è diciamo, ma se si andasse con la nostra prima proprio su di lui, che ne pensi? Per me è no, andrei senza dubbio su Romeo se fosse libero, credo sia il prospetto su cui investirei ad occhi chiusi in quella posizione al draft, ma vista la storia di Ainge al draft, letteralmente adora quel tipo di giocatori alla Hachimura/Williams, che per carità non sono uguali ed hanno un talento diverso, ma per alcune skills sono comparabili.

Oh Romeo perché sei tu Romeo? :D
(scontata e facile questa)

21/06/2019, 18:33
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Iscritto il: 13/03/2010, 0:20
Messaggi: 36661
Località: Santarcangelo di Romagna
Messaggio Re: Draft 2019
mister3.2 ha scritto:
Piero tiraci su il morale con le tue conoscenze sulle nostre 4 scelte.

In ordine...


21/06/2019, 18:34
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Iscritto il: 07/07/2017, 10:02
Messaggi: 7067
Località: Cadelbosco Sopra
Messaggio Re: Draft 2019
Piero ha scritto:
Zio Trifoglio ha scritto:
Gioia CELTICS ha scritto:
Grant Williams

E' già il mio preferito :clap2 :heart

mi ero già molto sbilanciato su di lui nel tracciarne il profilo. Sono felice che sia dei nostri! Darà un contributo immediato!

Vendendolo, per lui ho già pronto il soprannome: GRANITO

21/06/2019, 18:35
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Iscritto il: 07/07/2017, 10:02
Messaggi: 7067
Località: Cadelbosco Sopra
Messaggio Re: Draft 2019

al minuti 3:38 Granito inchioda Gambatorta :lol3

21/06/2019, 18:39
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Iscritto il: 11/11/2017, 14:47
Messaggi: 11066
Località: Macerata
Messaggio Re: Draft 2019
Ho letto tanti articoli su internet post draft, vinti, vincitori....
Mah....lo dira' il campo e la dea bendata.
Io credo che piu' che giudicare la nostra squadra dalle scelte fatte e che faremo ( che certo saranno importanti) la giudicheremo dall'aria che si respirera' nello sogliatoio: se si ricreera' un gruppo' avremo un futuro altrimenti saremo ostaggi dei giocatori come quest'anno.
Certo, a mente fredda qualche scelta apparentemente piu' mirata si sarebbe potuto fare, ma che importa, non sono terrorizzato dalla possibilia' che non avremo un grande centro titolare, sono angosciato dal pensiero che qualcuno del rooster non sia degno di indossare la nostra canotta.
Non perchè non si dimostrasse un campione, ma perchè non si dimostrasse un uomo!!
Si discute ancora di quanto Irving sia piu' forte di IT: si, ma IT è un uomo, Irving no!
Con l'uomo IT abbiamo riscoperto la passione, con il campione Irving la vergogna.
Fate voi!


21/06/2019, 18:39
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Iscritto il: 07/07/2017, 10:02
Messaggi: 7067
Località: Cadelbosco Sopra
Messaggio Re: Draft 2019
e altra dichiarazione dal peso specifico importante di Granito:

Shams Charania: “What’s the big thing that you can debunk, if there is anything? That you hear a lot, you hear people say a lot, but you’re like ‘that’s scientifically not true.’” Grant Williams: “Kyrie’s Earth-is-flat theory is scientifically not true. That’s the one thing I can debunk if we’re being pretty honest. That’s just not true at all.” – via For The Win

della serie: ho capito dove sono arrivato

vai Granitoooooooooooooooooooooo

21/06/2019, 18:46
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Iscritto il: 15/05/2019, 0:03
Messaggi: 263
Messaggio Re: Draft 2019
Sam Vecenie ha condotto una specie di sondaggio intervistando vari coach che si sono trovati ad affrontare alcuni tra i prospetti più quotati di questo draft
Secondo me interessante e inconsueto perchè questi allenatori, potendo parlare in condizione di anonimato, esprimono le loro impressioni senza edulcorarle come farebbero altrimenti
(Le interviste risalgono a gennaio/febbraio)
Non inserisco i link ma faccio copia e incolla perchè il sito da cui sono tratte è a pagamento
Qui sotto i i nostri draftees Langford, Williams e Edwards

It’s another edition of the NBA Draft College Coaches Poll. Over the last three weeks, I reached out to 50 assistant coaches across college basketball to assess potential NBA and professional prospects across the sport. I talked to coaches from 25 of the 32 conferences in the country, had over 1,800 minutes worth of conversations, and discussed 227 prospects around college basketball with the unbiased people who know their games best: the coaches who have scouted and played against them.

The crux of the idea: in exchange for anonymity, I asked them to dissect every potential NBA prospect they’ve played this season. The result of these discussions was over 60,000 total words of breakdowns from the opposing teams that have to devise a way to slow down the best players in the country. With all of that content in tow, this week The Athletic will release a series of articles, spotlighting the most interesting subjects and insights garnered from coaches all across the country.

The goal here is not to have some sort of quantitative analysis confirming where someone should be ranked on my big board. Rather, we were looking for qualitative insights into each of these players’ games. These are the unfiltered, full thoughts of coaches that have played each of these guys. What makes them special? What are their weaknesses? How do they go about stopping them, and how can they be exploited? What are the contextual factors that affect their play?


First Coach
“You know, I’ll tell you what. He gets to the rim. He may be one of the better players in the country at getting to the lane and finishing. A lot of that is because he doesn’t shoot it great. He knows that, and it’s an area of maturity on his part. But at the same time, that’s an area of his game he’s gotta improve on going forward, because he’s obviously not going to be able to get to the rim ad nauseam and finish over the length and athleticism you see in the NBA.

“I also wonder if he will be humble enough, being a guy that quite honestly has always had his ass kissed and always been the guy. He’s going to have to humble himself and play that complimentary role. Will Romeo be willing to not be the go-to guy? I know he’s talented enough to eventually do that, but walking in the door, that won’t be his role.

“He’s going to have to become a better defender, a better wide open corner 3-point shooter at least. Be able to play off of guys. I do think he moves well without the ball. He does some things cutting off the ball that will translate. But he’s also going to have to just make some shots. That needs to become a strength. And he needs to be a better lockdown defender. A complimentary guy, and get out of that comfort zone of guys always playing through him. If he can humble himself into that role, I think can be a good pro. If anyone can get him to play hard and defend, I’d think Archie could do it, and he’s been better on defense.

“Watching him shoot it in practice, it was kind of a different shot every time. His footwork wasn’t the same. Sometimes he hopped. Sometime he stepped. Sometimes it was right-left, sometimes it was left-right into the shot. I think he’s just gotta get more consistency in his jump shot to get more consistent results.”

Second Coach
“I gave him too much credit. He’s got really soft touch 12 feet and in. They get him going downhill to his right hand a lot, and he has really good body control and an ability to make really tough hanging 2s. Balls that typically come out of other guys’ hands hard, they come out of his hands soft. That’s a skill that I think is transferable.

“He’s got this funky deal where he brings the ball over his head on his jump shot with a hard wrist action. I don’t believe in him as a shooter at all. I think he’s going to have to change it altogether.

“When I was watching him, I didn’t come away thinking from my scout that he was phenomenal. Everyone has him as a top-10 pick and everything. He’s good, but I don’t think he’s this freakish, freakish athlete. His handle isn’t super tight. His playmaking isn’t there. His shot is obviously wildly inconsistent. I don’t know. I’m sure he’ll be a top-15 guy, but I’m not sure he’s going to be someone that right away is ready to do it.

“I thought he was instinctive defensively, but unaware. And I thought there was a lot of nuance that needed to be developed in his offensive game. A big part of that is that teams just scout him as a non-shooter. In college, the floor can be incredibly tight, and teams can just sit on your drive a little bit more. When you have pair him with guys like Justin Smith not making shots, or if Al Durham doesn’t make shots, now all of a sudden you have no room to operate. Plus, you’re playing two bigs, it gets really tight out there.

“But in open space, shit, if you watch their game against Marquette earlier this year where they were able to turn them over a bunch and they got him in the open floor, he looked really dynamic. But in a tight, half-court offensive game, that’s not really where he’s going to look his best. I still think he’s got a chance to be a really good player. I just don’t think he can shoot it. And if he can’t, he becomes less than incredible.”

Third Coach
“Can he be Rod Strickland? Can he be John Lucas? Guys who couldn’t shoot, but it didn’t matter. Because they could get to their spots whenever they wanted. I don’t know if he’s that guy. He’s not a jet. You can re-work his jump shot, but that’s going to take time and it’s not going to involve him going up and down to the G-League.

“He has to be with the team so he gets that coaching. But I like him. If he was a speed demon, it wouldn’t matter about the shot. In the NBA, you have to have one thing that is your trick. He’s a good player, I just don’t know that he has that yet.”

Fourth Coach
“He’s fast. He’s got such a great burst. He’s great in transition. He can get to the rim at will. He’s very, very strong for a kid that age. He just has a knack for scoring the ball. We had some guys on the wing that we thought were pretty physical, and he got wherever he wanted. When his shooting comes, he’ll be really good. Great athlete, very strong. Able to get to his spots on the floor very easily.

“We talked about him as a guy that we thought was a capable shooter. We really respected his jumper. I know I’ve heard that he hasn’t shot it as well, but his shot is definitely not broken. He’s got a good shot. It’s one of those things the more reps he gets, the better he’ll be.”

21/06/2019, 19:00
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Iscritto il: 15/05/2019, 0:03
Messaggi: 263
Messaggio Re: Draft 2019

First Coach
“I thought he was a good player. I was a little unsure as to how his game would translate at the NBA level. But in today’s NBA, the tweener is en vogue. It used to be that you were an outcast if you were a 6-5 post.

“I liked his demeanor. He plays hard and tough, he’s physical. He has some nastiness to it, but he does it with a smile. He has good touch, can stretch the floor a bit, and he’s smart and mature enough to know what he does best, and that’s bully guys around the rim. You can tell he’s a mature kid, he’s a winner, he doesn’t hunt his own offense, he kinda lets the game come to him. The Draymond Greens of the world have made 6-5, 6-6, 6-7 skilled forwards popular again, so he’s a guy who can sneak in.

“You look at Gary Clark playing for Houston. He has a niche. He can score around the rim, he can play hard, he’s going to mix it up, he’s going to battle. I liked him a lot. I loved his demeanor. I loved his intangibles. His IQ is incredible. He knows how to play, knows what he’s doing. He thinks the game at a high level.”

Second Coach
“He’s a self-made player and I respect that. I just don’t see a lot of guys in the NBA play the way he does. He doesn’t really stretch the floor. He’s really undersized. He’s incredibly physical and does a great job in their offense.

“They run a lot of that Davidson stuff where they constantly look to throw the ball inside to him and he does a great job of sealing and getting angles and positioning and drawing fouls. But that’s not a huge element of the NBA game. So what does he do? I don’t know.

“Incredible teammate, and a remarkably hard worker. He’s someone who will be really committed to the team and winning and his own individual improvement. But at the end of the day, he’s a 6-6, 260-pound or something like that dude. He just doesn’t showcase much of a perimeter game at all. How many duck-ins and post-ups is he going to have? Maybe he comes off the bench and changes the game a little bit with energy and hard play.

“I probably try to look for a comp too often. But I just have a hard time with 6-6, 250-pound centers in college. He’s probably made 20 3s in his career. I don’t doubt that he might be able to make them at some point, but is that what he’s going to hang his hat on? I don’t know.”

Third Coach
“I think he could maybe be a P.J. Tucker. Remember, P.J. played primarily with his back to the basket for Rick Barnes, too.”

21/06/2019, 19:01
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Iscritto il: 15/05/2019, 0:03
Messaggi: 263
Messaggio Re: Draft 2019

First Coach
“He was very good. He was very impressive. He shot the ball extremely well. I don’t know if he’s a point guard, but he can fill it up and score. He’s very quick, athletic and aggressive when he drives to the basket. I think he has a lot of technical ability in his handle. When he makes a move, it’s very distinct and decisive and it gets you out of the way. When we talked to our guys, we told them they needed to have their hands up above his head. He will shoot it at any time from anywhere. We tried to harp on that a lot. The thing that stuck out to me is how hard and how fast he moved.

“I wasn’t impressed with his distribution. I think that’s why they struggled early on this year. I think Carsen Edwards is all about Carsen Edwards. He’s not trying to get guys involved as much. I think he’s trying to go for 30 every game, which he can do, in order to up his draft stock. Solid defender, didn’t stick out to me too much. Solid on-ball. Can kind of get lost off the ball. But I think he has pride in guarding his man one-on-one. Off-the-ball, he needs to get better.”

Second Coach
“I love Carsen Edwards. I think his size might be an issue, but I think his ability to space the floor with his range, you can’t play off of him. He’s tough, he’s strong, knows how to run a team. Being at Purdue, he’s been coached his ass off. No question about that.”

Third Coach
“I like him a lot. He’s very explosive. I think he’s done a better job of not thinking he needs to carry the whole load. The last couple of times I watched him, I feel like he trusts his teammates more and lets the game come to him. It’s made him better, it’s made him more efficient. I don’t know if he can be your point guard. I’m not sure.

“When he was a freshman, he acted as something of a game changer defensively for them. But when we played them this year, I don’t know that I thought he was interested in guarding at all. But I think he’s kind of turned a corner. It’s been important for him to be a better teammate in terms of sharing the ball and trusting his guys.”

Fourth Coach
“I was just wowed. What an impressive athlete. He looks like a free safety with those legs. He can get from A to B, he’s so fast twitch. He’d drive you, throw it to the big, then before you could blink he’d be right behind the big ready for a hand-off and he’d be pulling it from 25 feet. His shot-making, the range he shoots with, the way he challenges you for every second for 40 minutes, I was impressed.

“I wonder if you put a tough-minded, longer, fast-twitch guy on him, what happens. He’s really wired to score, he’s a specialist all the way. I don’t know how that affects his translation to the NBA. But there might not be another guy like him in college. His base is so good. He’s so impressive physically.”

21/06/2019, 19:02
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Iscritto il: 21/04/2013, 1:10
Messaggi: 7970
Località: Vicenza
Messaggio Re: Draft 2019
Zio Trifoglio ha scritto:
ClutchPlayer ha scritto:
Zio, sicuramente e almeno per il primo anno, non molto.

E se la sua chiamata fosse un progetto..a medio termine?

Ah quindi lei opina...sottintende...maliziosamente vorrebbe suggerire che una delle altre guardie potrebbe essere veicolata altrove? :shock:

Potrebbe succedere ma sinceramente, Zio, non c'ho pensato.. :D


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21/06/2019, 19:06
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