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News  »  Scampato pericolo.

Scampato pericolo.

Per una volta tanto sembra davvero che sia andata di lusso. Ecco le parole di Ainge:

"Kevin had an MRI and a thorough examination today and it's the same as last night. It's just a muscle - I say just - but it's a muscle injury, a strained calf...It's actually the muscle (on the) softer side of the legs below the knee, and it's not anything to do with his knee, which is great news. It's one of those injuries that he may be out for a couple of weeks at the most I would say...I'll just say two weeks and that's on a very conservative side."

Quindi un infortunio al polpaccio e non al ginocchio operato. Riprendete fiato amici, possiamo tornare a respirare.

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Pubblicata da Francesco Sanna aka datruth il 30.12.2010
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