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News  »  Rivers rivela infortunio a KG

Rivers rivela infortunio a KG

Il nostro coach Doc Rivers ha comunicato alla stampa che Kevin Garnett ha subito un leggero infortunio all'anca (hip pointer per dirla esattamente come lui) che però non dovrebbe pregiudicare l'utilizzo del giocatore per gara 3 in previsione venerdì al Garden.

He got hit in the -- it's not the hip flexor, [but] a hip pointer. It was very similar to having a hip pointer in football, I guess," dice Rivers. "It was affecting him. I was concerned that he had done something else, because where he was grabbing his hip, but I thought it was his stomach, where you pull a stomach muscle or something. That's why I think in a couple timeouts, I kept asking if he was OK. And he is. He's good."

Per riassumere si tratta di un infortunio non serio, ma che potrebbe in tutti i casi condizionare il rendimento del nostro centro.

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Pubblicata da Luciano Pellegrini il 25.04.2013
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